4th Joint PES-AACE Pakistan CME Peshawar

4th Joint PES and AACE Pakistan CME were held on 31st March 2017 at PC Hotel, Peshawar. It was attended by 150 delegates.
The salient features were
1. The program started with the recitation of Holy Quran
2. The program was moderated by Dr. Ashfaq
3. Introduction of PES by Dr. Ibrar Ahmed
4. The first lecture by professor A H Aamir “Do’s and Don’ts of oral hypoglycemic
5. The second lecture by Dr. Ibrar Ahmad “What the clinicians should target in clinic “.
6. vote of thanks by Dr. Riaz Shahid president of General Physician Association.
7. Questions and Answers were properly taken.
The KAP questionnaire form was collected. Thanks for Pharm Evo for helping in organizing.