PES 2nd KPK-Chapter CME of 2015 held at Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi

 PES 2nd KPK-Chapter CME of 2015 held at Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi

Dr. Ibrar Ahmed
Vice President PES, KPK-Chapter
The organizer of this CME

PES 2nd KPK-Chapter CME of 2015 held at Gajju Khan Medical College Swabi Thursday, October 8th, 2015. The CME was accredited for 1.5 PMDC-approved CME contact hours by PGMI Peshawar. The event was attended by 70 General Physicians.

The CME was started with the recitation of the Holy Quran.
Dr. Shams Vice Principal Gajju Khan Medical College gives the welcome address.
Dr. Ibrar Ahmed gives the introduction of the Pakistan Endocrine Society to the Participants.
Usama Masood was the moderator of the event and he introduces the speakers to the audience.
Prof A H Aamir discussed the “Pakistani Guidelines for Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”. His talk was well-received.
Dr. Sobia Sabir Ali spoke on the topic of “management of PCOS”. Her talk was well appreciated.
Dr. Ibrar Ahmed gives a lecture on the Evaluation of Thyroid Nodule. He talked about the details of diagnostic and management Guidelines, Talk appreciated by the audience.
Dr. Khalid Usman spoke about thyroid disorders in pregnancy.
The talk was followed by Q&A sessions. The audience took active participation in it.
The event was sponsored by PES corporate member PharmEvo.

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