PES 2nd KPK Chapter CME of 2016

I am happy to report the proceedings of the second KPK chapter CME of the Pakistan Endocrine Society at Mardan Medical Complex on 27th October 2016. The CME was attended by more than 100 Family Physicians.
Dr. Ibrar Ahmed (VP Pakistan Endocrine Society & Organizer of this CME), Dr. Sobia Sabir Ali (Executive Member PES), Dr. Khalid Usman (Executive Member PES) and Dr. Arshad Hussain (Executive Member PES) participated in this CME from the platform of the Pakistan Endocrine Society as speakers.
Dr. Ibrar Ahmed delivered a lecture on Andropause
Dr. Sobia Sabir Ali has given a talk on Preventive Care of Diabetes
Dr. Khalid Usman’s topic was Inertia in T2DM
Dr. Arshad Hussain talked about Vit. D When to Treat
Participants showed their interest by listening to all the talks with concentration and making questions after every talk. They appreciated Pakistan Endocrine Society for their efforts,